Update – Hiatus


Film means a lot to me and for the last few years I’ve had an on again/off again blog about it. Within the last year I’ve really hunkered down and produced some of my favorite blog posts for this site that I’m really proud of, which is why it came down as a difficult decision for me to put this in writing and finally seal the deal; as of right now the Film Assist Blog is on hiatus.

I recently got a new job, one that pays better and has me working more often. Now while that will impact my living situation and boring day to day needs in a positive way it leaves me with very little time to myself, let alone catching up on movies to write about them. This wasn’t the only reason for this decision. Within the past month if you’ve been following along my post schedule or cringe read my twitter feed you no doubt have known that my passion for writing film criticism is dwindling. It’s not for lack of ideas, which I have plenty of and some I desperately want to write at some point, but it has been feeling like a rut and kinda pointless as I look around and see how similar film criticism is across the board and how I’ve started to become almost bored with it. And lastly, as if those two bombshells weren’t enough to kill my schedule the third part really pushed it over the edge, and that’s the fact that I’m not happy with my life.

To some I’m old, to many I’m young, but in the eyes of society I feel like I’ve wasted my 20s (even though I’m only halfway through them), and the fact that the only jobs I can get are customer service soul crushing ones only pushed me further into the pit of depression. In college I found a passion for writing, and not one of this sort. Fiction. I loved to write short stories and planned to be an author…but alas I’m not. And as I watched my friends I grew up with from my hometown stretch and grow and become far more successful than I ever will be I thought there needed to be change. So, with my new limited time I’ll be dividing it up between pleasure and work towards the future. I’ll be writing, but for myself and, hopefully, publishers down the line. My passion for film will go on, but like I mentioned before I’ll be very limited in when and what I watch which wouldn’t make for great content on this blog.

So where do I see this blog going? Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve had a few friends say I could write for them once in a while, which I may take that offer, but for now I thought the best thing for this site is to go on hiatus, because while my writing may not be great I try to pride myself with sending out good solid content. Now whether this will be a summer hiatus or something more permanent…I couldn’t tell you. At some point I’m sure I’ll come back to this, but for the moment I want to focus on my creative side, my potential future. There’s a few projects that I want to stir up again and hopefully see them to fruition over the rest of this year, and who knows if I get into a rhythm I may make another website. An author website where I could post my work that I know won’t get published. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is I’ve loved this blog and I wanted you the readers to know that I’m not abandoning it…it just may be a while. Thank you for all of your support. Though I rarely got comments your likes and shares did mean the world to me and told me that I was doing something right.

Thank you,

and until next time…

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I’m Cody

Welcome to my cozy corner of film criticism. Here, I post my reviews and thoughts concerning the film medium. I’ve been writing about film for 10 years and excited to share. Let’s get watching!