Schedule Update

Hello all. If you have been reading my posts lately then you’ll be familiar with my weekly schedule of TV posts on Monday, Movie posts on Wednesday, and podcasts on Fridays. Unfortunately after thinking about this for a few weeks I’ve decided to end the Film Assist podcast. I had a great time working on it, even if it was my third iteration, but as the weeks went by I’ve struggled to uphold my written content as well as the podcast. While I enjoyed it I don’t see anything in my podcast format that I couldn’t do written, and as the podcast process was taking up more and more time as I watched, listened to commentaries, searched special features, wrote a script, recorded, and edited each episode every week to produce a 10-15 minute sub-par product I struggled with keeping up with the written side of things. So with that gone I’ll now be putting out content twice a week. My new schedule is will TV on Tuesdays and Movies on Thursdays.

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I’m Cody

Welcome to my cozy corner of film criticism. Here, I post my reviews and thoughts concerning the film medium. I’ve been writing about film for 10 years and excited to share. Let’s get watching!