Madhouse on Blu-ray


Recently I have been changing the way my blog looks, and also changing when I post and updating things here and there. One of the changes I wanted to try and focus on is home media, going over not only the movie but the special features, what it’s worth, etc. So without further ado I decided to test this segment out on Kino Lorber’s release of Madhouse with Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, and Robert Quarry.


The movie was made at the end of Vincent Price’s contract with AIP, and stars the brilliance of Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, and Robert Quarry, all of whom elevate the cheesy script with good ideas into a picture that is lovable, haunting, and for horror fans; awesome. It’s understandably predictable, but you’re here for the characters/actors and their performances. Vincent Price is a retired actor getting back into the business with his good pal Peter Cushing to continue with their iconic character Doctor Death with the help of Robert Quarry producing their TV show. On and off the set Price’s character has odd reactions to the startling reality around him as well as his old films, and then someone is murdered. It’s a really fun slasher film with great performances, and a devilishly good ending. Rarely a dull moment, and a great character motivation in the twist ending.


  • Commentary – David Del Valle (Film Historian) gives great insight into this movie and period of Vincent’s life. A wonderful new layer for film enthusiasts to sink their fangs into this delightful picture. Highly recommended. (89 min)
  • Revenge of Doctor Death (Featurette) – A making of featurette. Adding to the commentary, this featurette gives further insights into the type of production Madhouse had gone through. Tasty tidbits are abound in this featurette for film fans to dig into. (10:56)
  • Madhouse Trailer– Must watch after you see the film. (1:48)
  • Tales of Terror Trailer–  Old trailers are adorable. (2:21)
  • The Oblong Box Trailer– (1:56)
  • Twice Told Tales Trailer– (2:43)


Overall, Madhouse is a splendid addition to fans of Vincent Price. His Doctor Death persona is fantastic, the make up iconic, and the mystery deliriously enticing to film fans. With great supporting characters, and horrific death scenes, this installment deserves to be seen and heard with commentary. This is indeed worth a buy.

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I’m Cody

Welcome to my cozy corner of film criticism. Here, I post my reviews and thoughts concerning the film medium. I’ve been writing about film for 10 years and excited to share. Let’s get watching!